Governing Body

Composition of Current Governing Body

S.N. Name of the Member Category
1 Mr. Anuj Badjate Chairman
2 Mrs. Priti Badjate Member
3 Mr. Pradeep Bakliwal Member
4 Mr. Tushar Badjate Member
5 Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal Member
6 Dr. Sachin Solanki Member (State Govt. Nominee)
7 Dr. Rajesh Pande Member( University Nominee)
8 Mr. Arvind Kumar Member (Industrialist)
9 Dr. Pankaj Thote Member
10 Dr. Abhay Kasetwar Member
11 Mr. Nilesh Gaulkar Member (Senior Administrative Staff)
12 Dr. Sanjay Badjate Member  Secretary & Principal

Functions of the Governing Body of the Institute:

Subject to the existing provision in the bylaws of the institute, and rules laid down by the state government / Parent University / UGC, The Governing Body shall perform the following functions:

  • Guide the institute while fulfilling the objectives for which the college has been granted autonomous status. 
  • Shall approve new programs of study leading to UG, PG, and Doctoral degrees and/or diplomas. 
  • Shall make recruitments of Teaching Faculty / Principal as per the eligibility criteria prescribed by the statutory authorities such as AICTE, UGC, and State Government from time to time. 
  • Shall approve the annual budget of the Institute.
  • Shall suggest remedial measures wherever necessary in case of issues brought to the notice. 
  • The Governing Body is responsible for formulating the policies of the institution, providing the right direction for the all-round development of the institute, and ensuring good Governance.