75th Independence Day Celebration

75th Independence Day Celebration 600 400 Shekhar Mishra

First year engineering department organized cultural activities under the banner of Student Cultural Club (S2_C) to celebrate 75th Independence Day of the nation. This auspicious day was celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm. Students performed skit, song and dance on patriotic theme. Pledge for engineers was read by students. Winners of Academic Quiz Contest (AQC) and Dare to speak (D2S) were felicitated by Prof. Sanjeev Agrawal, CEO of the trust, Dr. S. L. Badjate, Principal of the institute and Dr. P. B. Thote, Dean (Academics) and Head, Electrical Engineering Department.

The event witnessed some of the breath taking performances by students which lifts the spirit of nationalism in the atmosphere.

Jay Hind

Jay Maharashtra