The computing resources at S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research (Autonomous) Nagpur is intended to support the educational, instructional, research, and administrative activities of the college and the use of these resources is a privilege that is extended to members of the SBJITMR community. The IT policy of the college is formulated to maintain, secure, and ensure legal and appropriate use of Information technology infrastructure established on the campus and provide guidelines on acceptable and unacceptable use of IT resources of the college. This policy establishes strategies and responsibilities for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information assets that are accessed, created, managed, and/or controlled by the College. Information assets addressed by the policy include data, information systems, computers, network devices, intellectual property, as well as documents and verbally communicated information. In addition, this policy supports effective organizational security and protects users and IT resources from, but not limited to cyber criminals, bullying, misuse of accounts and assets as well as the spread of malicious software.
IT Infra Incharge has been given the responsibility of running the intranet and Internet services of the college. IT Infra Incharge is running the Firewall security, Proxy, DHCP, DNS, email, web and application servers and manages the network of the college. IT Infra Incharge has been taking appropriate steps by installing firewalls, access controls and installing virus checking and content filtering software at the gateway. However, in the absence of clearly defined IT policies, it is extremely difficult to convince users about the steps that are taken for managing the network. Users tend to feel that such restrictions are unwarranted, unjustified and infringing the freedom of users. As IT users are aware, all the educational institutions worldwide have IT policies implemented in their respective institutions. Without strong management policies, IT security measures will not be effective and not necessarily align with management objectives and desires. Hence, policies and guidelines form the foundation of the Institution’s security programme. Effective policies are a sign of due diligence; often necessary in the event of an IT audit or litigation. Policies also serve as blueprints that help the institution implement security measures. Thus, the college came to the conclusion that IT Policy that works as guidelines for using the college’s computing facilities including computer hardware, software, email, information resources, intranet and Internet access facilities should be formulated. Hence, this document proposes a set of policies and guidelines that would be relevant in the context of S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research (Autonomous) Nagpur. While creating these policies, every effort has been made to have a careful balance between security and the ability to conduct the rightful functions by the users.
Further, due to the dynamic nature of Information Technology, information security in general and therefore policies that govern information security process are also dynamic in nature. They need to be reviewed on a regular basis and modified to reflect changing technology, changing requirements of the IT user community, and operating procedures. The purpose of the IT policy is to set direction and provide information about acceptable actions and prohibited actions or policy violations. Guidelines are created and provided to help the organisation, the departments and individuals who are part of the college community to understand how the college policy applies to some of the significant areas and to bring conformity with the stated policies.
In an effort to increase the efficient distribution of critical information to all faculty, staff and students, and the college administrators, it is recommended to utilize the college email services, for formal communication and for academic and other official purposes. Email for formal communications will facilitate the delivery of messages and documents to campus and extended communities or to distinct user groups and individuals. Formal communications are official notices from the college to faculty, staff and students. These communications may include administrative content, such as human resources information, policy messages, general messages, official announcements, etc. To receive these notices, it is essential that the email address be kept active by using it regularly. For obtaining the college’s email account, the user may contact Google admin for email account and default password by submitting an application in a prescribed proforma. Users may be aware that by using the email facility, the users are agreeing to abide by the following policies:
- The facility should be used primarily for academic and official purposes.
- While sending large attachments to others, users should make sure that the recipient has an email facility that allows him to receive such large attachments.
- Users should keep the mailbox used space within about 80% usage.
- Users should not open any mail or attachment that is from an unknown and suspicious source. Even if it is from a known source, and if it contains any attachment that is of suspicious nature or looks dubious, the user should get confirmation from the sender about its authenticity before opening it. This is very much essential from the point of security of the user’s computer, as such messages may contain viruses that have potential to damage the valuable information on your computer.
- Users should configure messaging software (gmail) on the computer that they use on a permanent basis, so that periodically they can download the mails in the mailbox onto their computer thereby releasing the disk space on the server. It is user’s responsibility to keep a backup of the incoming and outgoing mails of their account.
- Users should not share his/her email account with others, as the individual account holder is personally held accountable, in case of any misuse of that email account.
- While using the computers that are shared by other users as well, any email account that was accidentally left open by another user, should be promptly closed without peeping into its contents, by the user who has occupied that computer for its use.
- It is ultimately each individual’s responsibility to keep their e-mail account free from violations of college’s email usage policy.
- Any Spam mail received by the user into INBOX should be forwarded to
- All the mails detected as spam mails go into the SPAM_MAIL folder of the respective users’ mail accounts. Users are requested to open these folders periodically to check any important mail wrongly stamped as SPAM mail and went into this folder. If so, the user may forward that mail ID to for necessary action to delete from the spam mail category. It is recommended to empty this folder as frequently as possible.
IT Staff Details

Mr. Devanand Bagde
Designation: IT Infra Incharge
Qualification: M.A (HIS, ECO), B.A, B.Ed, Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking
Experience: 10+ Years
Area of Interest: Computer Hardware and Networking
Email Id:

Mr. Saquib Akhtar
Designation: Network Admnistrator
Qualification: B.E (CCNA, MCSE)
Experience: 14+ Years
Area of Interest: Computer Hardware and Networking
Email Id:

Mr. Vickey Kinekar
Designation: Assistant System Admnistrator
Qualification: BCA
Experience: 12+ Years
Area of Interest: Switching and Routing
Email Id: