R&D Cell co-ordinates sponsored research, collaborative research and industrial consultancy projects at S. B Jain College of Engineering. Through such projects, Institute is strengthening the R&D capabilities of the faculty and students and participates in Industries problem solving. Institute has experienced academicians and researchers from various R&D units of the country. In making our vision and mission a reality, Institution has taken the initiative to promote innovations of faculty and students and collaborate with Industries for mutual benefit. Committed to excellence in fundamental research as well as the development of innovative technologies for the future, Institution offers a quality research training experience for its students.
- To create Research awareness among the faculty members and students
- To motivate students towards innovative projects
- To create awareness about Patents & IPR Knowledge
- To enhance team work between researchers for interdisciplinary research
- To promote research in various departments of the Institute.
- To establish links with different Industries, R&D organizations to facilitate research activities
- To establish R&D Centre in Electronics & Telecommunication department
- To involve every faculty member in R&D activities, which lead to Ph.D. degree and research proposal writing.
- To seek grants from various governments, semi govt. and private agencies for promoting and supporting the research work
- To enhance the research awareness by conducting various workshops and conferences and guest lectures.
- Promote research activities for benefit of society
- To encourage staff members and students to publish technical papers in reputed national and international journals
- To arrange talks and interactions by eminent personalities from industry, R&D organizations and institutions of repute; for the better understanding of research methodology and practices currently followed.
S. B. Jain Institute of technology management and Research has promoted meaningful Research and Development activities with a vision and mission to pursue and promote Research in Frontier Technologies. In order to strengthen and expand the research activities in the institute, R&D cell was established and is functioning in this Institution from last several years. It is acting as the nodal center for all Research related activities.
Policy: To create good infrastructural facilities and conducive environment to inculcate research culture.
Aim: To Promote, Coordinate, And Implement Research And Development Programs
Research & Development Cell
S.N. | Name of Faculty | Designation |
01 | Mr. Alok A Chauhan | Coordinator |
02 | Dr. Parag Puranik | Member |
03 | Mrs. Komal Parate | Member |
04 | Mr. Devesh Sarkar | Member |
05 | Mr. Chandu Vaidya | Member |
06 | Dr. Himanshu Roy | Member |
07 | Dr. Tushar Sathe | Member |
08 | Dr. Sunita Gujar | Member |
09 | Mrs. Mayuri Getme | Member |
In PDF Format
- F-01-Reimbursement-Certificatio-Course
- F-03-Reimbursemen-Paper-Publication
- F-04-Reimbursement-FDP-STTP-Conferences
- F-06-Reimbursement-External-Funding
- F-07-Special-Incentives
- F-08-Prior Approval Application Form
- F-09-Incentive for GATE Exam Course
- F-10-Prior Approval for Book Publication
In DOCX Format
- F-01-Reimbursement-Certificatio-Course
- F-02- Reimbursement-Copyright-Patent
- F-03-Reimbursemen-Paper-Publication
- F-05 Incentive for Consultancy Project
- F-06-Reimbursement-External-Funding
- F-07-Special-Incentives
- F-08-Prior Approval Application Form
- F-09-Incentive for GATE Exam Course
- F-10-Prior Approval for Book Publication